45 research outputs found

    Live Heap Space Analysis for Languages with Garbage Collection

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    The peak heap consumption of a program is the maximum size of the live data on the heap during the execution of the program, i.e., the minimum amount of heap space needed to run the program without exhausting the memory. It is well-known that garbage collection (GC) makes the problem of predicting the memory required to run a program difficult. This paper presents, the best of our knowledge, the first live heap space analysis for garbage-collected languages which infers accurate upper bounds on the peak heap usage of a program’s execution that are not restricted to any complexity class, i.e., we can infer exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, etc., bounds. Our analysis is developed for an (sequential) object-oriented bytecode language with a scoped-memory manager that reclaims unreachable memory when methods return. We also show how our analysis can accommodate other GC schemes which are closer to the ideal GC which collects objects as soon as they become unreachable. The practicality of our approach is experimentally evaluated on a prototype implementation.We demonstrate that it is fully automatic, reasonably accurate and efficient by inferring live heap space bounds for a standardized set of benchmarks, the JOlden suite

    A generic framework for the analysis and specialization of logic programs

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    The relationship between abstract interpretation and partial deduction has received considerable attention and (partial) integrations have been proposed starting from both the partial deduction and abstract interpretation perspectives. In this work we present what we argüe is the first fully described generic algorithm for efñcient and precise integration of abstract interpretation and partial deduction. Taking as starting point state-of-the-art algorithms for context-sensitive, polyvariant abstract interpretation and (abstract) partial deduction, we present an algorithm which combines the best of both worlds. Key ingredients include the accurate success propagation inherent to abstract interpretation and the powerful program transformations achievable by partial deduction. In our algorithm, the calis which appear in the analysis graph are not analyzed w.r.t. the original definition of the procedure but w.r.t. specialized definitions of these procedures. Such specialized definitions are obtained by applying both unfolding and abstract executability. Our framework is parametric w.r.t. different control strategies and abstract domains. Different combinations of such parameters correspond to existing algorithms for program analysis and specialization. Simultaneously, our approach opens the door to the efñcient computation of strictly more precise results than those achievable by each of the individual techniques. The algorithm is now one of the key components of the CiaoPP analysis and specialization system

    From Termination to Cost (in Object-Oriented Languages

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    Simple Imperative Bytecode Programs: Transform into rule-based form by means of CFG .Abstract interpretation based size analysis. Find ranking functions for each loo

    Test Data Generation of Bytecode by CLP Partial Evaluation

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    We employ existing partial evaluation (PE) techniques developed for Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) in order to automatically generate test-case generators for glass-box testing of bytecode. Our approach consists of two independent CLP PE phases. (1) First, the bytecode is transformed into an equivalent (decompiled) CLP program. This is already a well studied transformation which can be done either by using an ad-hoc decompiler or by specialising a bytecode interpreter by means of existing PE techniques. (2) A second PE is performed in order to supervise the generation of test-cases by execution of the CLP decompiled program. Interestingly, we employ control strategies previously defined in the context of CLP PE in order to capture coverage criteria for glass-box testing of bytecode. A unique feature of our approach is that, this second PE phase allows generating not only test-cases but also test-case generators. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that (CLP) PE techniques are applied for test-case generation as well as to generate test-case generators

    Abstract Interpretation-based verification/certification in the ciaoPP system

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    CiaoPP is the abstract interpretation-based preprocessor of the Ciao multi-paradigm (Constraint) Logic Programming system. It uses modular, incremental abstract interpretation as a fundamental tool to obtain information about programs. In CiaoPP, the semantic approximations thus produced have been applied to perform high- and low-level optimizations during program compilation, including transformations such as múltiple abstract specialization, parallelization, partial evaluation, resource usage control, and program verification. More recently, novel and promising applications of such semantic approximations are being applied in the more general context of program development such as program verification. In this work, we describe our extensión of the system to incorpórate Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC), a novel approach to mobile code safety. ACC follows the standard strategy of associating safety certificates to programs, originally proposed in Proof Carrying- Code. A distinguishing feature of ACC is that we use an abstraction (or abstract model) of the program computed by standard static analyzers as a certifícate. The validity of the abstraction on the consumer side is checked in a single-pass by a very efficient and specialized abstractinterpreter. We have implemented and benchmarked ACC within CiaoPP. The experimental results show that the checking phase is indeed faster than the proof generation phase, and that the sizes of certificates are reasonable. Moreover, the preprocessor is based on compile-time (and run-time) tools for the certification of CLP programs with resource consumption assurances

    Comparing Cost Functions in Resource Analysis

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    Cost functions provide information about the amount of resources required to execute a program in terms of the sizes of input arguments. They can provide an upper-bound, a lower-bound, or the average-case cost. Motivated by the existence of a number of automatic cost analyzers which produce cost functions, we propose an approach for automatically proving that a cost function is smaller than another one. In all applications of resource analysis, such as resource-usage verification, program synthesis and optimization, etc., it is essential to compare cost functions. This allows choosing an implementation with smaller cost or guaranteeing that the given resource-usage bounds are preserved. Unfortunately, automatically generated cost functions for realistic programs tend to be rather intricate, defined by multiple cases, involving non-linear subexpressions (e.g., exponential, polynomial and logarithmic) and they can contain multiple variables, possibly related by means of constraints. Thus, comparing cost functions is far from trivial. Our approach first syntactically transforms functions into simpler forms and then applies a number of su!cient conditions which guarantee that a set of expressions is smaller than another expression. Our preliminary implementation in the COSTA system indicates that the approach can be useful in practic

    Parametric Inference of Memory Requirements for Garbage Collected Languages

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    The accurate prediction of program's memory requirements is a critical component in software development. Existing heap space analyses either do not take deallocation into account or adopt specific models of garbage collectors which do not necessarily correspond to the actual memory usage. We present a novel approach to inferring upper bounds on memory requirements of Java-like programs which is parametric on the notion of object lifetime, i.e., on when objects become collectible. If objects lifetimes are inferred by a reachability analysis, then our analysis infers accurate upper bounds on the memory consumption for a reachability-based garbage collector. Interestingly, if objects lifetimes are inferred by a heap liveness analysis, then we approximate the program minimal memory requirement, i.e., the peak memory usage when using an optimal garbage collector which frees objects as soon as they become dead. The key idea is to integrate information on objects lifetimes into the process of generating the recurrence equations which capture the memory usage at the different program states. If the heap size limit is set to the memory requirement inferred by our analysis, it is ensured that execution will not exceed the memory limit with the only assumption that garbage collection works when the limit is reached. Experiments on Java bytecode programs provide evidence of the feasibility and accuracy of our analysis

    On abstraction-carrying code and certificate-size reduction

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    Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC) is a framework for mobile code safety in which the code supplier provides a program together with an abstraction (or abstract model of the program) whose validity entails compliance with a predefined safety policy. The abstraction plays thus the role of safety certificate and its generation is carried out automatically by a fixed-point analyzer. The advantage of providing a (fixed-point) abstraction to the code consumer is that its validity is checked in a single pass (i.e., one iteration) of an abstract interpretation-based checker. A main challenge to make ACC useful in practice is to reduce the size of certificates as much as possible, while at the same time not increasing checking time. Intuitively, we only include in the certificate the information which the checker is unable to reproduce without iterating. We introduce the notion of reduced certifícate which characterizes the subset of the abstraction which a checker needs in order to validate (and re-construct) the full certificate in a single pass. Based on this notion, we show how to instrument a generic analysis algorithm with the necessary extensions in order to identify the information relevant to the checker

    Efficient local unfolding with ancestor stacks for full prolog

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    The integration of powerful partial evaluation methods into practical compilers for logic programs is still far from reality. This is related both to 1) efficiency issues and to 2) the complications of dealing with practical programs. Regarding efnciency, the most successful unfolding rules used nowadays are based on structural orders applied over (covering) ancestors, i.e., a subsequence of the atoms selected during a derivation. Unfortunately, maintaining the structure of the ancestor relation during unfolding introduces significant overhead. We propose an efficient, practical local unfolding rule based on the notion of covering ancestors which can be used in combination with any structural order and allows a stack-based implementation without losing any opportunities for specialization. Regarding the second issue, we propose assertion-based techniques which allow our approach to deal with real programs that include (Prolog) built-ins and external predicates in a very extensible manner. Finally, we report on our implementation of these techniques in a practical partial evaluator, embedded in a state of the art compiler which uses global analysis extensively (the Ciao compiler and, specifically, its preprocessor CiaoPP). The performance analysis of the resulting system shows that our techniques, in addition to dealing with practical programs, are also significantly more efficient in time and somewhat more efficient in memory than traditional tree-based implementations

    An abstract interpretation-based approach to mobile code safety

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    Recent approaches to mobile code safety, like proof- arrying code, involve associating safety information to programs. The code supplier provides a program and also includes with it a certifícate (or proof) whose validity entails compliance with a predefined safety policy. The intended benefit is that the program consumer can locally validate the certifícate w.r.t. the "untrusted" program by means of a certifícate checker—a process which should be much simpler, eflicient, and automatic than generating the original proof. We herein introduce a novel approach to mobile code safety which follows a similar scheme, but which is based throughout on the use of abstract interpretation techniques. In our framework the safety policy is specified by using an expressive assertion language defined over abstract domains. We identify a particular slice of the abstract interpretation-based static analysis results which is especially useful as a certifícate. We propose an algorithm for checking the validity of the certifícate on the consumer side which is itself in fact a very simplified and eflicient specialized abstract-interpreter. Our ideas are illustrated through an example implemented in the CiaoPP system. Though further experimentation is still required, we believe the proposed approach is of interest for bringing the automation and expressiveness which is inherent in the abstract interpretation techniques to the área of mobile code safety